How does remote service differ from on-site service?

In remote deployment, I work for you as I do in OnSite deployment, but remotely into the project team or meeting due to the SARS Cov-2/Covid-19 challenges. We work together as a team and on documents just as we would in the office. As a side effect, I can offer this service more favorably than an OnSite assignment due to eliminated travel and accommodation expenses.

Until when can you book?

I need the booking for a remote assignment from you at least one week before the assignment starts, so that I can clarify possible information about the assignment with you, as well as check and confirm/cancel my availability.

What is the cost of the service?

The prices in my booking system and the calculation matrix published by me are exclusive of VAT. If a booking is cancelled up to 45 days before the start of the assignment, I charge a cancellation fee of 15% of the booking amount. If a booking is cancelled or not taken 45 days or less before the start of the assignment, I will charge the full booking amount, as usually no other assignment can be organized in the remaining time. In case of a replacement booking, I will of course only charge the cancellation fee of 15% of the cancelled booking amount.

How can costs be optimized?

To give you better conditions and me a better planning ability, I offer you booking packages that you can put together yourself according to your needs. The volumes included in the booking packages must be accepted within the periods defined therein. Residual amounts become due for payment at the end of the defined periods, but can still be taken up thereafter. This transparent offer eliminates the need for price negotiations.

Booking packageMan daysAcceptance period
Full Week Package56 months
Full Month Package201 year
3 Months Package501 year
6 Months Package1002 years
Full Year Package2002 years

How is the working time calculated?

One man-day includes 8 hours of working time.

Which project languages are possible?

I can offer the project languages English and German. French is limited for projects with me. German is my native language and English I speak absolutely fluently and business fluent in my professional context.

How can the risk of bogus self-employment be eliminated?

If you are planning to hire me for a longer period of time, the issue of bogus self-employment will have to be resolved when working with a self-employed service provider. As a self-employed consultant and coach, I am not allowed to do more than 5/6 of my total turnover with you and not more than 50% of my capacity to work for your company. Further details on the topic of bogus self-employment can be found here.

What are your advantages?

You book me only on the days and weeks when you actually need my support. You combine OnSite, OffSite and Remote components individually according to your needs. And you book the booking package that meets your needs and enables correspondingly favorable conditions.

How can I book the services online?

In the booking system you will find all my service offers, the prices charged for them and my availability. You will always find only those offers that make sense for me from a calculation point of view. All bookings are only possible on a weekly basis due to the system. For longer-term bookings, I suggest ordering by e-mail or telephone. A booking is made on the basis of my terms and conditions and subject to my booking confirmation. Only with booking confirmation a service contract is concluded.


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