Please note that courses in the first phase are only available in German. After completion of the German course content, the English course content will be added. This current offer is based on a weak development environment end therefore could throw some 404 errors (page not found) especially in the order process because of performance reason. Please go back to the previous page, retry, reload the page and the issue should be solved in most cases. If a graphic is endless loading then a click on it should solve the issue. If not, please give me a short notice. In this development phase all courses and tutorials are for free.

Course Series: An Agile Working Model

Courses from the Course Series


Tutorials are excerpts from the courses

Project Management

Process Management

Test Management

Manuscripts for external course offerings (Udemy)

The following manuscript collections are intended for participants of my courses on other learning platforms. In the courses and tutorials on BIZAGILITY.DE these manuscripts are already included.